Monday, November 26, 2007

November 28th News

Some older stories are still going strong today, and there are some new ones as well.

New stories as of 6:27 AM:

Bonkers About Boys
London Review Of Books
For those suffering from millennial panic about the current state of history – all those Postmodernists on the non-fiction bestseller lists, all those fact-deniers occupying important professorial chairs, all those poor students who know what Marie Antoinette had for breakfast but not how she died – classics departments all over the country are offering courses of therapy: Alexander the Great...

Archaeologists Identify 'Romulus and Remus Cave'

The cave in which Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf has been unearthed by archaeologists in Rome...

Satellite Maps Identify Over 100 Ancient Sites
Thaindian News
London, Nov 26 (ANI): Anthropologists have identified over 100 previously unknown ancient sites in Egypt using satellite images from their laboratory in Birmingham, UK...

Unique Synagogue From Roman-Byzantine Era Discovered In Galilee
During recent excavation held by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Arbel National Park in the Galilee, archaeologists have been puzzled with the mosaic floor found among the remains of the synagogue...

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